Leviticus 20:4-5 (AMP)
4 And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from the man when he gives one of his children [as a burnt offering] to Molech [the fire god] and they overlook it or neglect to take legal action to punish him, winking at his sin, and do not kill him [as My law requires],
5 Then I will set My face against that man and against his family and will cut him off from among their people, him and all who follow him to [unfaithfulness to Me, and thus] play the harlot after Molech.
A shocking report from England today is provoking alarm and outrage worldwide. The report indicates the remains of as many as 15,000 aborted babies were incinerated by British hospital as a heating source.
While the pro-abortion movement frequently condemns pro-life advocates who draw comparisons between abortion and the Holocaust, the report of babies burned to heat UK hospitals is a shocking reminder of the callous way human life was treated by the Nazi regime. According to the report in the London Telegraph newspaper, the aborted babies were incinerated as “clinical waste” in “waste to energy” plans at British hospitals.
The hospitals, funded by the British government’s NHs health care program, admitting burning the babies’ bodies along with legitimate medical waste and trash. The Department of Health has reportedly issued a ban on the practice, prohibiting the hospitals from exploiting the bodies of babies victimized by abortion any further.
The 15,000 babies whose bodies became fuel for heating hospitals were incinerated at 27 various hospitals and clinics across the U.K. and the parents were not consulted about burning the babies.
Of course I have to pause for just a second and ask myself if the parents actually cared what happened to the baby? I mean many of them were at the hospital to kill the child in the first place, and I guess no one ever stopped to think about what would actually happen to that dead child. I wonder if they actually thought it though that far or if they were more concerned with ending the life of the child because he/she was inconvenient?
There is simply no justification for the horrors of the abortion industry. Thousands of unborn children are eliminated daily, and the majority are offered up as a result of the selfishness and immorality of their parents. After all abortion is being sold as birth control. Yep a good way to control a birth is to kill the baby. Of course the biblical way to avoid giving birth is to not have sex but that is way too much to ask in our selfish, over-sexed society isn’t it?
No abortion is justifiable, but late-term abortions are especially abhorrent–in which a child who could survive, and who feels pain is dismembered, his skull crushed and is scraped from the womb–and we are not ashamed. We calmly abort children simply because they are the “wrong gender.” Indeed, we celebrate abortion. Our “Christian” leaders call it a “blessing.”
Of course we do not offer them to Molech literally, but we should stop and ask ourselves what Molech represents. The ancient gods were offered human sacrifice as an act of appeasement. It was a deal. We give you our children and you give us the “P” words: Protection, Prosperity and Power.
Isn’t it interesting that all religious cult worship involves the sacrifice of something to appease the gods and yet the only religion that does not require this is Christianity and it is the Christians who are called barbaric and evil.
The reason the God of Christianity does not require a sacrifice is because he became the sacrifice for us. God himself passed through the fire so that no other sacrifice is required.
Give careful thought to your ways because one day you will have to give an account of everything you have done.
Now that is how I see it! What say you?
This is a view from the nest. What say you?
But those who are waiting for the Lord will have new strength; they will get wings like eagles: running, they will not be tired, and walking, they will have no weariness. Isaiah 40:31 (BBE)
Along for the journey
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