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  • The 16th Amendment as originally proposed did not tax earned income.

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    The 16th Amendment was sold to the American public as a way to make the rich pay their “fair share.” That law, which was billed as a “soak the rich” scheme, instead now threatens to drown us.



    Well today is the last day to fulfill our obligations to the government under the 16th amendment to the Constitution. Every year the taxman comes around to collect their share of our labor to indulge in the reckless pursuits. It wasn’t always like this in America. In fact up until 1913 there was no income tax.


    The current tax code is four million words long, and more than four times longer than the collected works of Shakespeare. It requires 25 volumes to contain it and takes up 9 feet of shelf space.


    And it was sold to the American people as a way to “make the rich pay their fair share.” Sound familiar?

    The current tax code is now four million words long, more than four times longer than the collected works of Shakespeare, and six to seven times longer than the Bible. It requires 25 volumes to contain it, and takes up nine feet of shelf space.

    According to Forbes, it takes Americans over six billion hours to comply with its filing requirements. That’s the equivalent of 8,758 lifetimes – in people years, not dog years.

    Making the rich pay their fair share has been the governments unending song from the beginning of taxation. They never have enough and the rich they think always has too much, the problem is they lied then and they are lying now. Let’s face it folks the government wants all your money, and they will never stop trying to figure out ways to get it, and hopefully they will even convince you to turn it over voluntarily.

    Obamacare is one BIG TAX. The intent of the entire law was never about providing meaningful health care reform but to snowball you into agreeing to give them more of your hard-earned income in hopes of receiving some promised benefit. There is only one problem with this, the government lies all the time when it comes to separating you from your money. They sell you on the idea that the program they are proposing is FOR YOUR GOOD when they have designs on confiscating more of your personal belongings through taxation.

    Prior to the passage of the 16th Amendment, almost the sole source of income to the federal government came from tariffs collected on imported goods. That itself was a profound limitation on the size and reach of the federal government. In 1910 the budget for the entire federal government was $1.042 billion.


    Then just like today ordinary citizens figured out that the increased cost of goods fell upon the consumer while the corporations would pad their profit margins by raising domestic prices to just slightly less than the foreign imports prices, thus remaining competitive but at the same time generating a higher profit margin.


    So the proposed cure is now worse than the original disease if in fact there ever really was a problem to begin with. Being competitive in a world market has always been sound business practices, and no amount of government intervention is ever going to change that dynamic. Businesses will sell their product to the highest paying consumer base or work in the most cost effect market possible to stay in business.

    We have been sold a bill of goods and the average American citizen has swallowed this poison pill of covetousness to her own destruction. Politicians will continue to pit the rich against the poor and continue to cry injustice and how they are the ones to see to it that the rich pays their fair share all the while you and I are footing the bill as the fat cats continue to get fatter.


    The marketplace is a wonderful thing if left alone to contend with competition. But once competition is eliminated or the federal government comes along picking winners and losers, it is you the American citizen who always comes up with the short straw.


    Proverbs 6:6-8 (BBE)
    6  Go to the ant, you hater of work; give thought to her ways and be wise: 7  Having no chief, overseer, or ruler, 8  She gets her meat in the summer, storing up food at the time of the grain-cutting.


    Even nature teaches us that natural laws are at work in the universe and those who try to manipulate, or violate these natural laws do so at great personal cost. It would seem that ants are far wiser than the American culture because even the ant knows that there is a time of plenty and a time of want and during the time of plenty one must lay aside a part for the lean times that are sure to come.



    Cover of "A Bug's Life [Blu-ray]"
    Cover of A Bug’s Life [Blu-ray]
    In 1998 Pixar produced the animated movie “A Bug’s Life” and the protagonists where grasshoppers who’d show up once a year at the ant colony to get their annual food offering so they would not have to work to produce their own food. One year they  arrived and the offering was accidentally spilled into the water and ruined. The grasshoppers did not forgive the ants required offering but instead gave them until the fall harvest to produce twice as much.


    The colony is now in trouble, as there isn’t enough food to fulfill the grasshopper’s request and give sustenance for the colony. When the grasshoppers return to discover a meager offering, they take control of the entire colony and begin eating the ants’ winter store of food, and plot to kill the queen.


    Their plot is foiled when the ants fight back.


    When they all stood together and worked together they were able to overcome the oppressor and turn back the tide of tyranny.


    You see the ruling class understands the power of the citizenry and fears it and it is for that reason the ruling powers continue to put wedges between groups to get them fighting with each other and not standing together uniformly to fight the real enemy.


    The ant colony knew that by all of them working together the entire colony would thrive, but once dissension was sown into the fabric of their colony, destruction would follow soon after.


    The grasshoppers would never stop coming to collect their tax, and each year the burden would get larger and would never end unless resisted in solidarity.


    Personally I would like to see the 16th amendment nullified and the IRS eliminated. Is anyone willing to stand with me?


    And that is the way I see it. What say you?

    See on onenewsnow.com

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